Welcome to my new series where I talk about the lessons I am learning as a new mom. I became a mom in October of 2024 and it has been a wild ride. Lots of ups and downs. I just can’t believe that I have a child. Nothing could have prepared me for how hard this was going to be. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great. I love my son but there are many days where I miss my old life. I talk to my life coach about that plenty. The Overwhelming Reality of New Motherhood Let me tell you...
The Ultimate Guide to Self-Care for Mental and Emotional Wellness
The moment I truly understood what self-care meant wasn’t in a spa or meditation retreat—it was at 2 AM, sitting in the dim glow of my nightlight, hooked up to my breast pump for what felt like the thousandth time. My body ached, my mind raced with exhaustion, and despite my deep desire to give my baby the very best nourishment possible, I finally admitted to myself: something had to give. The night I decided to stop that middle-of-night pumping session, choosing sleep over one more bottle of breast milk, I felt an immediate weight lift. Self-care wasn’t about doing...
How to Start a Gratitude Practice: A Beginner’s Guide
Gratitude hit different when I actually understood it. For years, I thought being grateful meant ignoring the hard stuff. You know that feeling – forcing a smile when your spirit is heavy, pretending everything’s fine when it’s definitely not. Between doom scrolling through social media, dodging unnecessary stress, and trying to protect our peace, the last thing we need is another performative practice. But let me tell you about the day everything shifted. I was sitting in my car, exhausted from a long day of looking after the baby, when my phone lit up with a call from my granny....
The Black Woman’s Guide to Self-Care: Set Boundaries, Rest, & Recharge
Picture this: It’s 3 AM, and you’re wide awake, scrolling through Instagram. Another wellness influencer is posting about their “perfect” morning routine – meditation at sunrise, green juice, yoga, and journaling. Meanwhile, you’re juggling everything life throws at you, trying to be strong for everyone else, and feeling guilty because you can’t remember the last time you did something just for you. I get it. I was that girl. I am that girl, existing on stress and chaos, thinking self-care is something I’ll get to “someday” when life gets easier. Spoiler alert: life doesn’t get easier – we have to...
Intentional Growth for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Transforming Your Life
Do you ever just look around at your life and say to yourself, “OMG, I’m tired of being in the same spot.” I’ve been exactly there – stuck, frustrated, feeling like life was happening to me instead of me happening to life. Trust me, I know that overwhelming sensation of wanting to change everything but not knowing where to start. Growing up, I was the queen of day dreaming (still am). I love to sit around just thinking and dreaming up all the wonderful things I want to do in life. For some reason, though, I could never bring my...
How to Start Your Spiritual Self-Love Journey: A Complete Guide for Beginners
How to Find Your Life Purpose: The Ultimate Guide
Look, I know what it’s like. There have been many days where I stayed in bed well into the afternoon, staring at the wall without any sense of direction or purpose. I thought that having a child would give me a reason to get out of bed in the morning. It does, but not in the way I hoped. I still had to work on figuring out who I am and what I’m really put on this earth to do. As I was spinning my wheels and overthinking all of my major life decisions, I came to the conclusion that...